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The Libby O. Cohen Library

The Libby O. Cohen Library is a vital center of the Tandem Friends School community. Library resources include approximately 7,000 print titles and a wide variety of databases and digital resources. The collection supports the curriculum and promotes scholarship and independent reading by providing a rich selection of fiction and nonfiction resources of interest to Middle and Upper School students. The library actively supports research, print and digital, in all grades, from 5th grade projects to Sophomore Seminars and Senior Projects. The librarian works with groups and individual students to develop increasingly advanced research skills and information literacy.


The Libby O. Cohen Library seeks to ensure that all students develop the skills they need to become thoughtful and effective users of ideas and information. The library provides learning opportunities, instruction, and instructional materials appropriate to each student’s needs. The library is committed to providing resource and research support to the curriculum, enhancement of classroom activities, opportunities for recreational reading, and an environment that promotes curiosity, responsible scholarship, collaboration, and citizenship. The development of lifelong learners and critical, creative thinkers is at the heart of the library's mission.

Library Website

You can access the library website here.

Library Hours

The library is open from 8:15am to 4:00pm on all school days.


The library telephone number is (434) 296-1303, x 351. 
    • K. Kroese, Librarian

You can reach our Librarian, K. Kroese, at kkroese@crewmissionedc.com.